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Davao, Philippines
Civil engineering student, loves theater, crazy, weird, adventure love

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



I was sitting by the window looking at two birds flying together and couples holding hands walking together, I was wondering do birds feel love? do animals show love? and I was thinking how do you know its love?

well, as far as I know, whenever I ask friends how do you know its love they would answer, "you know it's love when you can't eat, can't sleep, can't think clearly and can't leave him/her." Don't they know that when you can't eat its not love but infatuation, when you can't sleep it's obsession, can't think clearly its just admiration, and when you can't leave him/her even when you don't love him/her anymore, it's not love, its pity...

LOVE is a feeling where you know that impossible can be possible, a feeling where you can use it as inspiration, a feeling that makes you smile at simple things. Love can be in seen in different ways, either verbally, mentally, physically and spiritually. You know its love when you seem to do everything for him/her, not for your own sake and benefit but for others. Its love when you sacrifice your own happiness for the happiness of your love. Love is not looking at the physical appearance but on the personality and the inner beauty that a person possess.

Other people seem to be afraid of falling in love for they might get hurt. But for ours to know, love is always taking risks, you won't know what will happen for you haven't even tried giving that person a chance to love you. Love is a total package, you'll experience hurt, sadness and joy. You won't know its love unless you experience pain from love, like you can't tell your happy without being lonely.

Love conquers all. Love without boundaries, accepts differences and the greatest gift you can ever give to someone. Love can make you cross borders, climb mountains and be on the other face of the earth.

1 Corinthians 13:7-9 "Love is patient, kind. It is never jealous nor rude."

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